
Super Boul

Over Confidence has silenced the Cat! All over US and the world of Super Boul they had decided the outcome of Super Boul 46 b4 it was played, in favor of the Patriots but unfortunately since out of experience I knew it could not be possibly that way, you can only find out a correct result of an action after it had taken place.

Throughout the pages I belong to on facebook I've been condemned called names just because I'm more like the opposition leader going for the New York Giants. Bwoy! overwhelmingly the Giants won the over casted match, here I became the most hated man now instead of being most loved. My point, Yeah! no matter what u do in life there're always gonna be enough dislikes towards you.
I even posted my forecast b4 the game, so I have my evidence written on my timeline on facebook to prove my point.
Hip hip Huray - GIANTS!